You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power - he's free again.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Friday 20 December 2013

Claire Èros Bio

Claire Èros, basic info:
Known as: The Puppeteer
Age: 22
Hair colour: soft light brown - with natural honey brown highlights
Hair length: long, down to the small of her back - its usually in a high ponytail.
Eye colour: depends ( see powers)
Face: extremely pretty with a few freckles, small nose, big pink lips, pale skin ( not scary pale though),massive eyes with long thick black eyelashes and rosy cheeks when embarrased.
Body:slender, extremely fit and agile, pale with a few freckles on upper arms and thighs.

When she first meets Luke Ryan ( Argon) she is shy and unsure. Once she trusts him she is  trusting, a bit bossy, caring, compassionate, extremely intelligent, feisty but still shy if she is left alone with Luke...

Firstly she can control emotions, mostly hearts. She can make anyone fall in love with anyone so if she wants something she will get it! She can also destroy people by taking their love away. Her eye change colour according to her mood:
Grey - Unsure
Black- Angry
Light Blue- Calm & thoughtful
Dark Blue-Sad
Yellow- Worried/ frightened
Brown-Happy/ content
Honey- In True Love ( not using her power over hearts or anything)

She can also reach into her victims heart and twist it to make them feel actual pain. She is an amazing fighter with  weapons and is very good at hand to hand combat because she may be small but she is strong.

She hates her power and hardly ever uses it. So she is on the run to try and do some good in this world.
She never loved anyone till she got to know Luke...
- Rachel

Hey guys, i am Rachel :)

( I am gonna start calling you' our super heroes' i think)
Hey y'all i am one of the co-writters in the Argon comics ( along with Orla and Jasmine). I will keep this very brief as I just wanted to familiarise you with me and me to you guys! We are excited about our Argon blog as it has taken us a while to get it started. I hope you enjoy our  blog and we will post as much as possible, keeping you updated on the characters, plots ect. 
I am the romantic one in this group so i will prob be writing the romance scenes :D
Thanks for reading , our super heroes!
- Rachel :)
P.S you will know its me as i will always write in this colour! :)